Professional Development Workshops

Incorporating a COIL Collaboration into your existing course doesn’t require an expensive technology platform or extensive redesign of your course. It only requires an interest in effective, innovative pedagogy, a bit of flexibility and enthusiasm, and some thoughtful preparation. A well planned COIL Collaboration enhances your existing course, helps students develop curiosity about the world and a deeper understanding of their own and other cultures, bolsters 21st century skills, and provides new perspectives on course content.

SUNY COIL Center professional development workshops are designed to prepare and improve your COIL practice – whether you’re a professor planning your first COIL Collaboration, an experienced COIL instructor looking to improve, an administrator supporting the scaling of COIL at your institution, or the point person for COIL activities on your campus.

Our COIL class was successful far beyond my expectations! I did not anticipate the degree to which the students would bond, hashing out thorny matters of cultural differences as well as collaborating on projects with patience and kindness. Thank you for helping us design our COIL Collaboration!
Media Studies

Not sure which workshop is right for you? Review our COIL Readiness checklist. Interested in a different format or in-person options?  See our Custom Workshops and Consultancies or contact us at

All workshops are three weeks in duration, conducted asynchronously, with one hour weekly synchronous meetings. These are interactive workshops requiring 2+ hours of work per week.

With 15 years of experience developing, supporting and scaling COIL at higher education institutions of all types, the SUNY COIL Center has identified important elements you should master to ensure COIL Collaborations have the greatest positive impact on students, professors and institutions. We’ve organized these topics into highly participatory online workshops to help you meet your needs, mirroring your students’ experience with COIL virtual exchange. 

We look forward to working with you!

Our Workshops

We welcome participation in our workshops by all professors and administrators, from any institution around the world. Members of the SUNY COIL Global Network receive discounted rates on workshop seats (scroll down for workshop fees).  

Workshops are not sequential. If you are a professor new to COIL, we recommend you take COIL Foundations and COIL Elements to establish a firm base on which to build your COIL Collaboration.  

The COIL Design workshop, which is taken with your COIL teaching partner, will help you develop a full plan for your collaboration. Members of the SUNY COIL Global Network may also participate in our partnering activities, which will help you find a COIL teaching partner to work with.

COIL Foundations

Highly effective COIL collaborations require an active learning approach that supports students’ online professionalism, project management and development of intercultural skills. COIL Foundations provides tools that you can use to develop and facilitate a successful and rewarding COIL collaboration for you and your students. You will examine issues of culture, language, virtual team building, partnership and the importance of reflection to develop skills. 

COIL Foundations specifically address how to support students’ intercultural skills online, considerations for finding and maintaining a strong relationship with your COIL teaching partner, when, the importance and how to use reflection activities, options and approaches to bridging language differences, and how to approach team building and developing trust.

13 – 26 January 2025

10 – 28 March 2025

9 – 27 June 2025

COIL Elements

COIL opens a world of possibilities for active, applied, collaborative activities that interest and motivate students while invigorating your teaching practice. Making good design choices for your COIL Collaboration takes careful consideration and an open mind. Preparing students to work with peers in another country online can enrich the experience and help ensure its success. 

The COIL Elements workshop explores what makes a compelling COIL Collaboration, roles of students and professors, online behavior, creating active student teams, matching technology choices to activity design, preparing students for COIL, and developing your COIL resource bank.

10 – 28 February 2025

9 – 27 June 2025

COIL Design

You’ve found your partner, you’ve considered your options, and now you’re ready to design your COIL Collaboration. 

The COIL Design workshop will walk you and your teaching partner through each part of the development process. At the end of the workshop you should have a blueprint of your COIL Collaboration, ready for implementation. 

Topics will include: COIL pedagogy and flow, developing common and course-specific goals, setting expectations for partners and students, logistical aspects, designing your COIL activities, assessment, and troubleshooting. 

This workshop will bring together topics from COIL Foundations and COIL Elements and apply them to your particular COIL Collaboration. Both teaching partners should take the COIL Design workshop at the same time.

4 – 22 November 2024

10 – 28 February 2025

9 – 27 June 2025

COIL Coordinator Workshop

COIL Coordinators are the point people for COIL at their institution. This designation requires Coordinators to be very knowledgeable about COIL and to know what other resources are available to support professors at their university. 

The COIL Coordinator Workshop is designed to help Coordinators develop the tools they need to support COIL at their institution. 

Topics include determining institutional assets that support COIL, aligning institutional goals with COIL outcomes, cultivating a local team to support your COIL program, creating and supporting a cohort of professors and their international partner colleagues, preparing students for their COIL experience, and consider approaches to problem solving for when issues arise.  

13 – 31 January 2025

10 – 28 March 2025

9 – 27 June 2025

Administrator Workshop

The COIL Administrator Workshop is for any staff supporting COIL at an institution, such as Deans, Teaching and Learning staff, Instructional Designers, International Educators, Department Chairs, etc. COIL Coordinators may also join this workshop, particularly if other administrators from their campus will be participating. 

This workshop explores the responsibilities of each role in supporting successful COIL Collaborations, as well as reviewing considerations for scaling COIL at an institution. 

Topics include strategizing about the campus infrastructure to support your COIL endeavor, creating approaches to identify and support teaching partnerships for COIL collaborations, designing engaging COIL activities focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, reviewing technology criteria and tools for COIL, locating support and approaches to intercultural learning online and orienting students for COIL success.

Workshop Fees

SUNY COIL Global Network Member

Seat in any 3 week workshop


Packages of seats, valid for use for any 3 week workshop offered during the current membership year

6 seat package

12 seat package



Non Member

Seat in any 3 week workshop


Packages of seats, valid for use for any 3 week workshop offered during the current membership year

6 seat package

12 seat package

